
Sleeping in the forest 1


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴進行性筋萎縮症編|Progressive Muscular Atrophy

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴腸内環境改善編|Improvement of intestinal environment 

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴皮膚炎と湿疹編|Dermatitis & Eczema

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴メタボリック症候群編|Metabolic syndrome

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴痛み全般編|Pain in general

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴低血圧編|Low blood pressure

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴首こり編|Neck pain

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴難聴編|Hearing loss

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴パニック障害編|Panic disorder

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴腸閉塞編|Intestinal obstruction

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴根管編|Root Canal

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴肩こり編|Stiff shoulder

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴不安障害編|Anxiety disorder

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴アトピー性過敏症編|Atopic hypersensitivity

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴腎臓病編|Kidney disease

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



🔴肝臓病編|Liver disease

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴猫の病気全般編|Cat diseases

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴静脈瘤編|Varicose vein

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴喉の痛み編|Sore Throat

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴花粉症編|Hay fever

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴がん転移編|Cancer metastasis

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴美肌編|Beautiful skin

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴統合運動障害編|Integrated movement disorder

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴夏バテ防止編|Prevention of summer heat

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴肌のシミ編|Skin blemishes

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴脊髄性筋萎縮症編|Spinal Muscular Atrophy

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴視力回復編|Eyesight recovery

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴慢性疲労編|Chronic fatigue

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴血流改善編|Blood flow improvement

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴アナフィラキシー・ショック編|Anaphylaxie shock

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴マスク脳低酸素症編|Mask-induced cerebral hypoxia

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴がん全般編|Cancer in general

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴風邪 インフルエンザ編|Cold Influenza

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴腰痛編|Back pain

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴脳疾患編|Brain Diseases

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴シワの弛みとほうれい線編|Sagging wrinkles and fine lines

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴過敏性腸症候群編|Irritable Bowel Syndrome

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴乗り物酔い編|Motion Sickness

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴歯周病編|Periodontal disease

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴仕事に行きたくない時に聴くと心が落ち着く癒し音楽編|Soothing music to listen to when you don't want to go to work

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴聴覚過敏編|Hearing hypersensitivity

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴犬の病気全般編|Dog diseases

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴肌のコラーゲン構築編|Skin – Collagen Building

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴人体極性正常化 2.15ヘルツ編|Human body polarity normalization 2.15 Hz

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴ドライアイ編|Dry eye

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴心不全編|Heart failure

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴心臓期外収縮編|Extra-cardiac contraction

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴睡眠障害編|Sleeping disorde

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴帯状疱疹編|Herpes zoster

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴歯の病気全般編|Dental diseases

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴ホルモン系全般編|Hormonal system

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


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