153Hz & the Age of Aquarius 1.
🔴153Hz救いと希望。496Hz宇宙の完全数。|153Hz salvation and hope. 496Hz the perfect number of the universe.
153Hzと水瓶座時代|153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
🔴天界とつながるエレメント 153Hz ピアノ編〓Element connected to heavenly world. 153Hz Piano version.
153Hzと水瓶座時代|153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Stress. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ストレス
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Cold Influenza. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴風邪 インフルエンザ
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Chronic fatigue. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴慢性疲労
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Eyesight recovery. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴視力回復
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Acne. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ニキビ
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Pancreatitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴膵臓炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Menstruation, Retrograde. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴月経 逆行性
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Ormond Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴オーモンド病
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Diabetes, Bronze. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴糖尿病 青銅
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Cervix Dysplasia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴子宮筋腫異形成
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Diverticulitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴憩室炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓lung cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肺がん
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Protozoan Infections. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴原虫感染
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Restless Legs Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不穏下肢脚症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Latex Allergy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ラテックスアレルギー
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓UDPglucose 4-Epimerase Deficiency Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴UDPグルコース4-エピメラーゼ欠損症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Intracranial Vascular Disorders. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴頭蓋内血管障害
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Hantavirus Infections. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ハンタウイルス感染症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Food poisoning. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴食中毒
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Anoxic Encephalopathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴無酸素脳症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Spike Detox Shedding. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴スパイクデトックス
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Menstrual pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴生理痛
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Rett Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴レット症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Idiopathic pneumonia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴特発性肺炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Histidinemia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ヒスチジン血症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Colitis, Pseudomembranous. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴偽膜性大腸炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Kidney cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴腎臓がん
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Sepsis Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴敗血症症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Monosomy chromosomal abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴モノソミー染色体異常
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Gyrate Atrophy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ジャイレート萎縮
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Pneumococcal Infections. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肺炎球菌感染症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Glaucoma. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴緑内障
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Blount's Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ブラウント病
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Chronic renal failure. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴慢性腎不全
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Bone and muscle build up. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴骨や筋肉の増強
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Chromosome 18 Abnormal. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴18番染色体異常
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Pituitary disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴下垂体疾患
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴顎関節症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Torticollis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴甲状腺腫
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Urethral stricture. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴尿道狭窄
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Myiasis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ハエウジ病
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Prostatic hypertrophy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴前立腺肥大
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Urethral Stricture. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴尿道括約筋
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Hypertension. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴高血圧
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Low blood pressure. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴低血圧
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Itch. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴かゆみ
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Dermatitis & Eczema. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴皮膚炎と湿疹
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Neck pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴首こり
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Floater. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴飛蚊症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Gastritis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴胃炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Sinusitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴副鼻炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Candidiasis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴カンジダ症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Coldness · Hypothermia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴冷え性・低体温症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Uterine fibroid. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴子宮筋腫
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Diet. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ダイエット
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Headache. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴頭痛
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Detox. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴デトックス
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Dilated cardiomyopathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴拡張型心筋症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Parasitoid tapeworm. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴寄生虫サナダムシ
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Chemtrail. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ケムトレイル
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Menstrual pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴全身性炎症反応症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Empyema. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴蓄膿症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Improvement of intestinal environment. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴腸内環境改善
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Pharyngitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴咽頭炎
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Back pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴腰痛
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Cancer in general. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴がん全般
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Pain in general. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴痛み全般
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Monosomy chromosomal abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴根管
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Eye Abnormalities. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴眼の異常
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Brain Diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴脳疾患
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Anxiety disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不安障害
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Stiff shoulder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肩こり
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Hemorrhoids. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴痔
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴過敏性腸症候群
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴耳管機能障害
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Burns. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴火傷
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Astigmatism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴乱視
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.
〓Atopic hypersensitivity. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴アトピー性過敏症
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.