■女性のためのSound 2

Sound for women 2


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428Hz Hybrid Sound」←click!


428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

🔴月経 逆行性編|Menstruation, Retrograde

428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

🔴乳房非悪性腫瘍編|Non-malignant breast tumor

428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

🔴月経不順編|Menstrual irregularity

自分に優しく寛容に。|You are kind and generous to yourself.

シンギングボウルズ|Singing bowls


タングドラム|Tongue Drum


🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general


Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】


The Oneness. Angel Frequency 4096Hz Edition.

🔴月経不順2編|Menstrual irregularity 2

自分に優しく寛容に。|You are kind and generous to yourself.

シンギングボウルズ|Singing bowls

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.


🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴更年期障害編|Menopause disorder


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴更年期障害編|Menopause disorder


Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

サイレントシリーズ|Silent series.


🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer


Азиатский Asian Sound


🔴乳がん編|Knee pain

サイレントシリーズ|Silent series.

🔴冷え性・低体温症編|Coldness · Hypothermia

サイレントシリーズ|Silent series.

🔴更年期障害編|Menopause disorder

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra

🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy


Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】

〓Uterine fibroid. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴子宮筋腫

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Menstrual pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴生理痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

🔴【天使の周波数4096Hz】乳がん編|Breast cancer

The Oneness. Angel Frequency 4096Hz Edition.

🔴生理痛編|Menstrual pain

428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

禁断の周波数2160Hz|Forbidden frequency 2160Hz

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

サイン波シリーズ|Sine wave series.

🔴更年期障害編|Menopause disorder

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.


🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy

禁断の周波数2160Hz|Forbidden frequency 2160Hz

🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.


禁断の周波数2160Hz|Forbidden frequency 2160Hz 


🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical cancer

個を見つめ直して|Rethinking the Individual


〓Morning sickness. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅妊娠つわり

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Endometriosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅子宮内膜症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hyperemesis pregnancy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅妊娠悪阻

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer

ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

禁断の周波数2160Hz|Forbidden frequency 2160Hz

🔴冷え性・低体温症編|Coldness · Hypothermia

ホワイトノイズ|White noise.

🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical cancer

タングドラム|Tongue Drum

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

個を見つめ直して|Rethinking the Individual

🔴生理痛編|Menstrual pain

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.

🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.

🔴月経障害編|Menstruation Disorders

428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.


428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid


Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】


🔴肌のコラーゲン構築編|Skin Collagen Building

サイレントシリーズ|Silent series.




Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.


🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

サイレントシリーズ|Silent series.



🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

タングドラム|Tongue Drum



Азиатский Asian Sound


ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra


🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer


Music Box Sound【528Hz】【ASMR】

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

禁断の周波数音階2160Hz|Forbidden frequency scale 2160Hz

🔴【天使の周波数4096Hz】子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

The Oneness. Angel Frequency 4096Hz Edition.

🔴【天使の周波数4096Hz】女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

The Oneness. Angel Frequency 4096Hz Edition.

🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.

🔴冷え性・低体温症編|Coldness · Hypothermia

サイン波シリーズ|Sine wave series.

🔴冷え性・低体温症編|Coldness · Hypothermia


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy

森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



🔴更年期障害編|Menopause disorder

ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra


🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

個を見つめ直して|Rethinking the Individual


🔴【天使の周波数4096Hz】更年期障害編|Menopause disorder

The Oneness. Angel Frequency 4096Hz Edition.

🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer

タングドラム|Tongue Drum


🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

サイン波シリーズ|Sine wave series.




428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

Element connected to heavenly world.

〓Female illness in general. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴女性の病気全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Infertility. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不妊症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Menopause disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴更年期障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

🔴女性の病気全般編|Female illness in general

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.


個を見つめ直して|Rethinking the Individual

〓Luteinizing hormone abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅黄体化ホルモン異常

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius. 

〓Cervical cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅子宮頸がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Mammary pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅乳房痛
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical cancer


Азиатский Asian Sound

🔴妊娠悪阻編|Hyperemesis pregnancy

個を見つめ直して|Rethinking the Individual


森のせせらぎ|Sleeping in the forest.



🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterine fibroid

ホワイトノイズ|White noise.


🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical cancer

ピタゴラスのチャクラ|Pythagorean chakra

🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical cancer

エンジェルナンバー|Angel number.


🔴乳房痛編|Mammary pain

サイン波シリーズ|Sine wave series.


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428Hz Hybrid Sound」←click!