
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius 4

〓Disc herniation. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴椎間板ヘルニア

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Melancholia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴メランコリア

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Fracture. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴骨折

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Taste Disorders. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴味覚障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Gangrene. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴壊疽

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Scoliosis disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴脊柱側湾症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Whiplash Injuries. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅ムチ打ち症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Muscle Spasm. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅こむら返り

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Myelitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅骨髄炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Brachial neuritis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅上腕神経炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Prognathism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅顎前突症(受け口) 

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅顎関節症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Thyroid Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅甲状腺疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Trichotillomania. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅抜毛癖

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hyperlipidemia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅高脂血症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Graphene oxide. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅酸化グラフェン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Luteinizing hormone abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅黄体化ホルモン異常

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Growth hormone abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅成長ホルモン異常

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Lipid metabolism abnormality. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅脂質代謝異常

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Nervous System Diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅神経系疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Parasympathetic nervous system. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅副交感神経系

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Facial neuralgia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅顔面神経痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅舌咽神経痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bone Loss. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅骨欠損

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Epilepsy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅てんかん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Injuries. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅損傷

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Cerebral Hemorrhage. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅脳出血

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Meningeal epidemic. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅髄膜の疫病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Dementia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅認知症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Amnesia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅健忘症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Rubber allergy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅ゴム製アレルギー

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Retinitis Pigmentosa. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅網膜色素変性症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Candidiasis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅カンジダ症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Dissociative identity disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅解離性同一性障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Cervical cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅子宮頸がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Elaeophoriasis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅老眼症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Retinal Diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅網膜疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Olfactive disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅臭覚障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Morning sickness. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅妊娠つわり

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Endometriosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅子宮内膜症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Inflammation. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅炎症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Cramps. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅けいれん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Meniere's disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅メニエール病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hernia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅ヘルニア

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Nevus. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅母斑(あざ)

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Disc herniation. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肌のターンオーバー

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Osteoporosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴骨粗鬆症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Foreign anti-general. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴外反全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Fasciitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴筋膜炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Zinc deficiency. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴亜鉛欠乏

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sciatica pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴座骨神経痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Myositis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅筋炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Muscular dystrophy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅筋ジストロフィー

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Knee's neuralgia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅ひざの神経痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Osteonecrosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅骨壊死

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Temporomandibular jaw disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅側頭下顎かみ合わせ症候群

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Graves' Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅バセドウ病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Lymphatic lesions disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅リンパ性の病気

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hypoglycemia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅低血糖

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Tracheal Stenosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅気管狭窄

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓DNA adenine 545.6HZ. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅DNAアデニン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓DNA guanine 550.0HZ. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅DNAグアニン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓DNA cytosine 537.8HZ. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅DNAシトシン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓DNA thymine 543.4HZ. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅DNAチミン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Neuralgia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅神経痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Neurotic gait disturbance. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅神経性歩行障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Trichophyton. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅水虫・白癬菌

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Stuttering. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅吃音

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bone Loss. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅パーキンソン症候群

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Seizure Disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅発作障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Neurodevelopmental disorders. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅神経性発達障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Prion. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅プリオン

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Paralysis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅麻痺

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Chilblains. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅霜焼け

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Immunodeficiency. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅免疫不全

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Adenovirus infection. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅アデノウイルス感染症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅注意欠陥多動性障害 ADHD

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Childhood Autism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅小児自閉症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hallucinium. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅幻覚

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Respiratory Hypersensitivity. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅呼吸器過敏症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Corneal disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅角膜疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Inner Ear Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅内耳疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Knee injury. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅膝損傷

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Mammary pain. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅乳房痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Wounds and Injuries. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅傷および怪我

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Anemia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅貧血

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Rectal cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅直腸がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sweating anomaly. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅発汗異常

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hepatitis B. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅B型肝炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Swallowing Disorders. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.✅嚥下障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.