Frequency for cancer 1
🔴がん転移編|Cancer metastasis.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴皮膚がん編|Skin cancer.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴子宮がん編|Uterine cancer.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴甲状腺がん編|Thyroid Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴乳がん編|Breast cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴卵巣がん編|Ovarian cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴直腸がん編|Rectal cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴大腸がん編|Colorectal cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴大腸がん低音30分バージョン編|Colon cancer bass 30 minutes version
Sine wave series.
🔴がん全般編|Cancer in general
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴咽頭がん編|Pharyngeal cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴喉頭癌編|Laryngeal carcinoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴多発性骨髄腫編|Multiple myeloma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴神経内分泌腫瘍編|Neuroendocrine Tumors
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴非ホジキンリンパ腫編|Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴前立腺癌編|Prostate Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴残存癌編|Residual Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴がん:肉腫総合編|Cancer:Sarcoma General
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴がん(サイン波)編|Cancer. (Sine wave.)
ソマチットシリーズ|714X series
🔴がん10パターンサイン波編|Cancer 10 Pattern Sine wave.
Sine wave series.
🔴皮膚のT細胞リンパ腫編|T-Cell Lymphoma, Cutaneous
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴精巣癌編|Testicular Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴甲状腺炎リンパ腫編|Thyroiditis, Lymphomatous
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴泌尿器癌編|Urologic Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴膵臓癌編|Pancreatic cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴ウィルムス腫瘍編|Wilms Tumor
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴くも膜下奇形肉腫編|Arachnoidal Cerebel Sarcoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴乳房腫瘍編|Breast Tumors
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴副腎皮質CNAがん編|Adrenal cortex CNA cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴子宮頸がん編|Cervical Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴子宮内膜がん編|Endometrium Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴ユーイングがん編|Ewings (PNET) Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴眼がん編|Eye Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴女性生殖器のがん編|Female reproductive organs cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴男性生殖器のがん編|Male reproductive organs cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴頭頸部がん編|Head and Neck Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴腸がん編|Intestinal Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
To the dusk of cancer and 714X
ソマチッドシリーズ|714X series
🔴白血病 リンパ編| Leukemia lymph.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴脳腫瘍編|Brain tumor.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴胃がん・食道がん編|Gastric cancer · Esophageal cancer.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴甲状腺がん2編|Thyroid cancer 2
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴肺がん編|Lung cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴子宮筋腫編|Uterus fibroid
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴前立腺がん編|Prostate cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴がん一般10種30分バージョン編|Cancer General 10 types 30 min version
Sine wave series.
🔴腎臓がん編|Kidney cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴膀胱がん編|Bladder cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴口癌編|Mouth cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴ネボイド基底細胞癌編|Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴非小細胞肺癌編|Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴直腸癌編|Rectal Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴残存腫瘍編|Residual Tumor
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴扁平上皮細胞癌編|Squamous Cell Carcinoma
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴奇形腫編|Teratoid Tumor
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴扁桃腺がん編|Tonsillar Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴栄養芽層の癌編|Trophoblastic Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴栄養芽腫編|Trophoblastic Tumor
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴ワルティン腫瘍編|Warthin's Tumor
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴角化血管腫編|Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴星状細胞腫、グレードIV編|Astrocytoma, Grade IV
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴骨がん編|Bone Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴消化器系がん編|Digestive System Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴肝外胆管がん編|Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴頭蓋外腫瘍編|Extracranial Tumor Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴胆嚢がん編|Gallbladder Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴生殖細胞がん編|Germ Cell Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴妊娠性腫瘍がん編|Gestational Tumor Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴下咽頭がん編|Hypopharyngeal Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
🔴膵島細胞がん編|Islet Cell Carcinoma Cancer
428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント
Element connected to heavenly world.
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